Harold Hill
I am an avid golfer who has become passionate about the sport after having been introduced to it 4 years ago. I proudly served 31 years in the Coast Guard Reserve and 34 years in law enforcement and now life is complete meeting the many challenges presented in golf. There’s nothing like the camaraderie, fresh air, exercise and the gratification of hearing that ball drop in the cup. With clubs in hand every day, I regularly explore different techniques and philosophies, some I embrace, some I don’t use. At the end of the day I thank God for allowing me to enjoy the gift of golf.
Why am I doing this?
As a PGA HOPE member I thoroughly enjoy sharing the game of golf with other veterans who have unselfishly given so much to so many for so little in return. This is an opportunity to help a program that supports our veterans who have sacrificed much to protect our freedom and way of life.