Cory Armstrong
I'm from Hagerstown, MD where I learned golf in the county public golf junior program. I attended West Virginia University for Sport Management and played in the marching band drumline for four years. I worked at six golf courses through high school and college; but, as they say, "if you can play, teach." I also realized that if you can't teach, learn the Rules (of Golf). So, I've been working for three PGA Sections since 2002 (the Carolinas since 2004), and I love the real impact our Association and Foundation can have on people's lives.
Why am I doing this?
When we started the PGA HOPE Carolinas program, we weren't expecting to hear the stories we were told. Military veterans are crediting PGA HOPE with providing them a reason to get out of the house. In some cases, it's giving them the motivation they need not to take their own lives. Knowing that 22 military veterans commits suicide per year is heart-wrenching. If we can prevent just one such tragedy, everything we do is worthwhile.